Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How it started..from UTI to Pelvic Floor Tension Myalgia

Life was basically hell last year, I can recall. It all started with an atypical UTI symptom and various visits to different doctors and specialists where I was given various antibiotics treatment but nothing worked.
When I was admitted to the hospital for peeing blood, the culprit finally showed up on the lab report-ESBL E. Coli!
So I was hooked up to an IV drip that delivered strong dose of antibiotic to fight this bacteria for 5 days.
When I changed hospital and saw another consultant, a female this time, I was told that due to recurrent UTI my pelvic floor has now developed into a hypertonic state.
I had urgency, draggy feeling after urination and alot of strange sensation in my pelvic that non of the previous specialists can identify and explain. My urine no longer flows in a strong force like before, it's slow and small stream especially in the morning. I am constantly aware of my bladder and urethral and they seem to be hanging in the air. I fear sex...as it used to be the trigger of my infection. And now the specialist told me that anything that touch my pelvic region will get me into a flare. She is right indeed!
The flare symptom very much mimic a UTI and it can trick you into thinking that it's a real infection.
So what's the treatment? I have been doing physical therapy and put on lyrica ( drug for nerve pain)for the past few months. I have some good days in between and some very bad days that I became bed-ridden. The therapy consists of manual manipulation of the vaginal to identify the trigger points to release the tension by pressing on it. The sensation is like you are sliced with a knife inside that little hole. An electrical probe is then shoved into the V again to desensitize those hyperactive nerves.
A look up at this website will bring you to take a closer look at this condition. And if they match your symptoms like mine, it's time to look for a trained physical therapist to identify and treat the condition.
If you are in despair and happen to come by my blog, I hope this post has helped to shed some light. Do not give up , help is out there but you just have to go search for it.


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